“view through” - the next big thing in advertising?

eye tracking + amazon + internet connectivity + mobile can only mean one thing (besides a pretty sweet phone). ADS.

premium ads where instant feedback about viewing time can be easily retrieved for ad pricing. click through is its predecessor as far as an extremely simple metric for pricing an ad. ad viewing has been bit tricky to understand as it was hard to know what contributed to a sell. there might be an add on a billboard, on a tv or in an adwords block, but when you bought it a week later on a random device its pretty hard to understand what combination of those ads might have caused you to purchase that product and by how much. while external factors will still contribute to a sell, it will be easier for amazon (or anyone else) to price ads dynamically or with the new click through - view through ™. Essentially, if you looked at the ad (and they will know that you did) and you purchase the item in the future, they can price the ad higher and even retroactively.

Some other cool (well, as cool as ads can be…) things will come out of this. Say you want to run an AB test, you can do it live. Say you want to run an “A + B + C …” test and understand how effective ads are relative to one another, or when present with another ad. ad synergy or ad dissonance. This will probably have tons of cool applications outside of ads as well, but seeing as google has built their entire empire on ads, eye tracking on you adPad is sure to be a money machine.


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